Input/Output Functions

   access      determine if file is accessible
   chdir       change current directory
   clearerr    clear error associated with file pointer
   close       close a file descriptor
   creat       create a file (obsolete)
   dir         directory scanning routine
   fclose      close a file pointer
   fcntl       file control of a file
   fdopen      associate file pointer and file descriptor
   fdtofh      return file handle from file descriptor
   feof        return EOF indication for file
   ferror      return error condition for file
   fflush      flush buffers to file
   fgetc       get a single character from a file
   fgetpos     get current file position
   fgets       get a line from a file
   fhprintf    formatted printing to a file
   fileno      get file descriptor from file pointer
   fopen       open a file
   fprintf     formatted output to a file
   fputc       write a single character to a file
   fputs       write a string to a file
   fread       read from a file pointer
   freopen     reopen a file
   fscanf      formatted input from a file
   fseek       seek within a file
   fsetpos     set position within a file
   fstat       stat of a file
   ftell       get file position
   fwrite      write data to a file
   fgetc       get a single character from a file
   getchar     get a character from stdin
   getcwd      get current working directory
   getfnl      get file name list
   gets        get a line from stdin
   ioctl       execute ioctl on file descriptor
   isatty      is a file descriptor a TTY
   lseek       seek in a file
   mkdir       create a directory
   open        open a file
   perror      print error message
   printf      formatted printing to standard out
   fputc       write a single character to a file
   putchar     output character to stdout
   puts        write a string to a file
   read        read data from a file
   remove      delete a file
   rename      rename a file
   rewind      seek to file beginning
   rmdir       delete a directory
   scanf       formatted input from input
   setbuf      change file buffering
   sprintf     formatted printing to a string
   fscanf      formatted input from a string
   stat        stat a file by name
   tmpfile     create a temporary file
   tmpnam      create a unique temporary file name
   ungetc      push character back to input stream
   unlink      delete a file
   write       write to a file